Why I don't mind laying down in the Dark:
Tiny bits of wisdom in the midnight hour
Tiny bits of wisdom in the midnight hour
This week, in a lot of ways, has been a roller-coaster ride. It's been a lot of ups, downs, good moments, highlights of hardships, and quiet moments of reflection. It's been a week of sitting around until sunrise, sharing words, sharing drinks, and it's given me a lot to think about. It's been another of those weeks that reminds me, rightfully so, why I am who I am and why it is that I do what I do in life.What is it you do? Some of you might ask and the answer is really goddamned simple: I live.
While that might not seem like much to some of you, it might seem like an awful lot to others. To those of you who it doesn't sound like much? I'll tip my hat and raise my glass to you. To those of you who understand what a terrifying thing that life has the potential to be, I have something entirely different to say to you: I understand, but it's still worth it. Life's a scary fucking thing, if only because it has the very real potential to be just about anything. That's daunting to everyone, whether they admit it or not, but admitting it isn't the important part.
What is the important part? The important part is accepting it, and simply deciding that it's not enough to beat you -- because when life beats you, you're dead. That's it. It's over. Life's finally outlasted you. It's finally outrun you and there is no chance to pick yourself back up and start trying to run again. You get one chance in life and when the checkered flag drops for you, you are where you are, you've done what you've done, and whatever mark you were hoping to make on the world had damn well better be there, because your time's up.
This is why I do what it is that I do, and why I do it every day, with everything I have to give. That's why I think it's so important to sit down and enjoy life, but equally as important to get up and make sure you chase it down too. You can't let life get away from you because, once again, once it's gone, it's gone.
It's why, while the rest of the world settles down to sleep, I put words on a page or when the world falls down around some people I know, I show up with a shovel and a jackhammer. It's why, when the loud noise starts flying around the world and leaving people deaf and stunned, I'm there to take them by the hand and try and lead them into some kind of peace. It's why when the weight is just too heavy, I'm there to share it or when the feeling is just too strong, I'm there to try and lighten the blow. When the world finds itself on fire, set ablaze in rage in bullshit, I'm there too, doing my best to try and find a safe way to walk through the fire and come out on the other side. Why? I'm doing these things because they're things that drive me. They're some of the things I am passionate about in life.
These things I do are fundamental to my existence, to my living, and I'd be even more mad if I didn't do them.
Life isn't all about roses and storm clouds. Life isn't all about drinking into the early hours of the day, trying to sort out everything that's somehow gone wrong. Life isn't just about laughing, life isn't just about dreaming or doing any more than it is about breathing and eating. Life's about living and, while sometimes that means getting through the bullshit, it also means enjoy the good moments too - and it's so, so, much more than to boot.
Life's not about mindless toil toward bullshit and happiness. It's not about trying to make it, it's not even about dreaming and laughing. Life's about doing, about loving, and, most importantly, life's about living. It doesn't matter where, what, why, or even how you do it - but you've got to do it. It's about looking at yourself, at the end of the day, and figuring out if there was anything you wish you would have done. It's about sitting down and really thinking about your time and seeing how you really feel about it.
Life is not about regret, because that would be just too damn easy. Life isn't about loss either, for the same reason. It's not about the bangs and bumps you get along the way and, like I said, it's not about smelling the flowers either. Sometimes, at the end of the day, there just wasn't a flower to smell, and your shoes are covered in shit. Sometimes it rains on your parade, sometimes the picnic goes perfect, sometimes someone calls you cute and it puts a bounce in your step, other times you can't get the time of day from someone who you've tried your best to be noticed by. Sometimes you get kissed and sometimes you get left standing around with your proverbial dick in your hand.
What life is about is making the most of what's right in front of you. It's about grabbing the damn bull by the horns. Taking your time on a stroll through the forest, a glass of good drink, a good cigarette, great sex, the man or woman you've been chasing for years finally giving you the attention you've been working for, the beat goddamned steak in the world, a good hug, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, someone to share the weight of the world with, all these things don't mean a goddamned thing in life if you don't sit down and acknowledge them - and the same thing applies to all the things in your life that you really think went wrong.
Shit happens, doesn't matter who you are, it does, plain and simple. Sometimes it's going to rain, sometimes it'll be sunny. Sometimes you'll step in shit and sometimes you'll miss it without ever knowing it. It doesn't matter what happens, you've got to make the most of it. You've got to be true to who you are, what you know, what you think and believe, and, and this is the most important part, you've got to be okay if you find yourself questioning those things - if not deciding they're outright wrong - at the end of the day.
This is a fraction of what I've learned, what I've seen, what I've felt, and what I really believe. None of life really matters if you don't put yourself in it. All of life is wasted if you just let it pass you by, if you don't reach out there and take a handful of it, just to see what it is. You've got to be ready for the moments when it'll be sharp, jagged, jarring, and painful. You've got to be ready to set those bits down and put your hand right back in there. That's what life is: It's accepting that, like it or not, it'll cut you sometimes but, at the same time, you can't be afraid of what's out there. If you spend your whole life living in fear what will happen if you put yourself out in life, then you're not really living anyway.
Be the friend who's there, always, if that's your thing. Be the angry, cynical, whiskey drinking, bastard, if that's your thing. Be quiet and reserved, watching the world, if that's your thing, but don't do any of these things far away. Don't be removed from the world around you, or the people that you love, or the things that you like. Take risks, get the shit knocked out of you, pick yourself up bruised and bloody off the sidewalk a few times, because that's just what happens when you live.
It's a gamble where you always win, but you actually have to play. It's all about trying because if you don't try, then you'll never know. I can't imagine a goddamned thing more horrible than having to ask the questions all your life about the things you never did, never said and never acted on at all. It's better to live life now, while it's there, than it is to sit back and ask all the questions about what you might have done when you're laying down in the dark.