Mainlining Intolerance:
The new, social, drug that's all the rage
The new, social, drug that's all the rage
I'm sure you've all seen the news today and if not, I'm going to preface this entry with a couple of links for you. They are two articles that show two, very different, sides of the same coin; highlights of a social epidemic that - I feel - needs some serious addressing. They are, as follows: The Westboro Baptist Ass-Kicking & Suicide Pacts.
Where is it that we've gone so, hideously, far off course that these sort of events are even giving a breeding ground to happen? It's an abusive of civil liberties, a rape and plunder of rights, and a hard pointed look at just how twisted the system of values has become in this country. Children have always been cruel and unforgiving - this will probably never change - and one could argue it's the modern Agoge; a battle ground of harsh values designed to reinforce and strength the structure as a whole. It's unfortunate, but we all endure it. Does that make it right, or okay? Absolutely not, but it's not about to stop. We're living longer, living less, and offing ourselves at alarming rates. It's a modern, vampire, tragedy told all anew - none of us are Achilles, none of us are immortal, and even less of us are being given proper armor.
The problem seems to stem from an over saturation that deviance, of any kind, is an immoral cockroach that should be squashed. It's everywhere; magazines, television, even books aren't immune to it. They build the model of perfection to which we hold everything accountable - and it all becomes about perception. In Spartan times, the guidelines were simple - an no, that's not an argument for eugenics, merely a comparison- but now? Now we leave up to the beholder to determine that which should be stoned to death; and no longer do we hold the mandate that only he without Sin, should cast the first stone.
So where does the blame lie? Those parents of loss; the ones who have lost their young as casualties to a harsh and unforgiving environment, are often first to blame themselves. It's why, in part, I opted to highlight the article I did. The parents, by admission (though we never really know) seemed to be doing everything they could to teach the methods of perseverance, even providing the shield of anti-depressants to ward off any wayward strikes that got past a structured, bronze, shield. I cannot see the problem lying here. One could, if they so chose, consider this some modern model for Darwins theory - but this isn't weakness, or stupidity that's bringing these children to form pacts and hang themselves in their bedrooms. It's a loss of light, that bottomed out feeling where tomorrow seems just as black as today, and nothing in the world can ever triumph over such wicked and sinister hearts.
The problem seems to stem from an over saturation that deviance, of any kind, is an immoral cockroach that should be squashed. It's everywhere; magazines, television, even books aren't immune to it. They build the model of perfection to which we hold everything accountable - and it all becomes about perception. In Spartan times, the guidelines were simple - an no, that's not an argument for eugenics, merely a comparison- but now? Now we leave up to the beholder to determine that which should be stoned to death; and no longer do we hold the mandate that only he without Sin, should cast the first stone.
So where does the blame lie? Those parents of loss; the ones who have lost their young as casualties to a harsh and unforgiving environment, are often first to blame themselves. It's why, in part, I opted to highlight the article I did. The parents, by admission (though we never really know) seemed to be doing everything they could to teach the methods of perseverance, even providing the shield of anti-depressants to ward off any wayward strikes that got past a structured, bronze, shield. I cannot see the problem lying here. One could, if they so chose, consider this some modern model for Darwins theory - but this isn't weakness, or stupidity that's bringing these children to form pacts and hang themselves in their bedrooms. It's a loss of light, that bottomed out feeling where tomorrow seems just as black as today, and nothing in the world can ever triumph over such wicked and sinister hearts.
That, then, leaves the other side of the conflict to be considered. If the parental guideline for the wounded seems to be inadequate when faced against the growing horde of mongrel breeders; those who are more content to perpetrate acts of indolence and provision, then what do we do? Rather than provide the tools for diverse understandings and an appreciation of all colors, these facsimiles are simply dropping their kids off wherever, paying little to no mind to what it is they, do, or say. That, in an of itself, is bad enough, but what about lessons of causality; that for everything you do, you will cause a reaction? Whatever happened to teaching kids about the dangers of Karma, or even bringing out the boom stick of damnation? Whatever happened to the basic principles of teaching morality, of decency? Never mind right and wrong - that's all too easy to skew. Whatever happened to teaching people to be genuine and heartfelt?
I'm sure, if only because I want to be, that every parent does their best to teach these things to the youth in their early stages. What happens though, when the parents have been given the same, faulty, textbook model for how to behave? I'm not talking about just the abusive families either, or the ones you see trumpeted on Lifetime either. I'm talking about the ones who simply don't understand - or don't care enough - that the moral implications of their actions; as Parents are God in the eyes of Children, are tied inexorably to the behaviors of their children. It's this kind of moral flophouse that breeds the vicious cycle. Angry dogs are not taught that they should not bite, and we've enforced the idea that killing them is bad. Now the streets are overrun with vicious, foaming, beasts all looking for an outlet to turn their savage fangs dull - just so they can sleep at night.
The only, effective, way to combat this kind of thing is to, early on, begin the principle teachings of understanding and hope - two things we seem to have lost sight of in these fast and strange times. In the budding stages of growth, where the stone is heated raw and turned pliant by social pressures, every impact leaves an impression; every kind word turns a smooth surface, and every harsh jab leaves a marring scar upon the clay. It's in these times, when even the strongest of metal, the weakest of glass, is able to be bent and molded. It's in these times that action becomes pivotal, if not vital. If we don't, then aren't we responsible for the reprehensible behavior of tomorrows ignorance? We're the pushers of value, we decide what the lessons are worth, and how to put emphasis upon them.
If we're willing to put billions into these wars on drugs, then it could be suggested that addressing this issue Mainlining Intolerance of could be considered paramount. It's killing more and more of our youth than anything else. Maybe you don't see it, because it's victims are all, still, walking. If you look real close though, they're out there. The signs aren't easy to see; the listless eyes the downcast stares, the silent breath of disillusionment that escapes with each, passing, headline - and these aren't destitute individuals peddling for change on the street corner either. These are your working class, you bankers, your lawyers, your doctors, your gas station attendants and your chefs; no one is immune, and everyone is forced to take a taste of it at some point or another.
Some people hate it, it makes them violently ill and it seizes stiff, filling their veins with ice water. They're ill suited for the harsh and twisted sights the direct shot of intolerance provides and, at worst, they might stumble around slurring insensitive statements as a form of catharsis. These people are generally harmless once the initial effects of the drug wear off, generally just wallowing in self loathing for their behavior for a few weeks, and then all becomes right with the world again.
Then you have the dangerous ones who love it, and it's these ones you have to watch out for in the dark. It's these people who drink up intolerance moonshine during prohibition. It's everywhere and they can't get enough of it. It gets them high in a way nothing else can, spouting off their own emotional madness as a way to suck some semblance of purpose into their, otherwise, dull and uneventful lives. They're emotional junkies, living on the adverse reaction they cause to the general populace, like a pack of Piranhas waiting for that first drop of blood to hit the water. It's then they'll surge forward in a violent frenzy, clawing and screaming at whatever mass it is they've chosen to target. They give no care or pause for injury either - it's how they spread; modern zombies spilling their own blood on the small prayer of keeping the infection alive.
They're a mindless horde, and there's really no stopping these culturally addled monsters either. They simply keep on as they always do, and will, running amok until something puts a stop to their heads - since most of them are already fairly heartless. There's little hope for a cure too, as the infection is insidious and has a habit of turning all reasonable and rational thought into something necrotic. The only real hope we have is education against the outbreak. We've got to make tomorrow better by teaching our youth to avoid, and to handle, those among them who will, inevitably, become bitten.
That too, will not be enough. We need better drug education programs, teaching kids the dangers of sticking this strange, alien, substance, in our hearts. We need to show them traumatic videos, shocking Polaroids, live action footage from the front lines of war funerals; whatever it takes. It's got to be done, and it's got to be done soon. We all know it's out there, lurking, and it always has been - the difference is that we need to be aware of it, we need to study it, observe its habits, figure out how it procreates. We need to scan the halls of our history for its roots, and stamp out every modern resurgence of it like it's just another breed of smallpox. Still, as I sit here, spiraling through article after article, seeing bit by bit, and piece by piece fall away, I can't help by hear the echoing words of exterminator Bill Lee as he fell down the rabbit hole of his own insanity.
"America is not a young land. It is old and dirty, evil. Before the settlers, before the Indians, the evil is there, waiting."
"America is not a young land. It is old and dirty, evil. Before the settlers, before the Indians, the evil is there, waiting."
Be weary of that evil, it waits, forever, to prey upon the pure landscape of an unscathed heart. It will turn it to solid stone in minutes, and leave no room for the growth that should come with time. It's what comprises every thread of rope we use to strangle out the hope for tomorrow - tasteless as that analogy might be. It's the evil of intolerance, of ignorance, that breeds a lack of compassion in the world and we simply cannot afford to keep feeding the beast like this - it's high time we lock it up, or defenestrate the bastard and fill it full of lead - putting it down like the old, tired, useless dog it is..
It's a pleasant thought, even if it's just a pipe dream.